Friday, August 21, 2009


"....On the little card, in the column headed Description of Passengers had been written, in neat capitals: ONE TRAVELLING CIRCUS AND STAFF." - Gerald Durrell, My Family and Other Animals

What do you get when you send 10 children and 2 adults across the world and back? Probably something like Gerald Durrell described! It certainly won't be your average group of tourists - but then again, who wants to be average?

During our trip to Europe, we'll be posting updates here as regularly as is possible. We'll also try to update the little gadget on the blog's sidebar "Where am I?" to show our most recent location.

So keep posted for more updates! Feel free to subscribe by email or feed reader using the links provided (scroll down on the right). Also, if you have a little time, please leave a comment - it's always nice to know that someone's reading the blog!

See you soon, and God Bless!

1 comment:

Fr. Andrew said...

Hi there -- signed up and ready to go - hope you have a great trip - if you need anythink let me know. Fr. Andrew