Friday, September 4, 2009

In flight

Between Brisbane and Sydney

In flight

We've safely reached Sydney, after departing from Brisbane at midday. Now waiting for the plane to take us on the 16 hour flight to Abu Dhabi.


Elyse said...

(from Bill Burns)
Hi Paul and Co,
I am extremely sorry that I didn't get to talk to you since Elyse only told me this morning that you were away. I tried the mobile at noon but it was turned off. We will keep you in our prayers and pray that you have a safe and terrific time.
It's truly a trip of a life-time, and I think you've done really well to organize everything. We will certainly be checking your blog regularly to see how things are going.
You two are real champions and I'm sure you'll have many stories to tell when you get back. Depending on whether there's any copyrights to your stories and when I can get my week off when you're back, we'd like to catch up with you.

God Bless you and your family,


Elyse said...

(This is really from Elyse!!)
Hey, Happy Birthday David!!! Woohoo, 17!! pity you aren't allowed candles on a plane. And it's nice that you've caught up with me. I should have said this on the phone but I forgot. (I KNEW there was something I'd forgotten!!)
Hope you all have the time of your lives, that it's fantastic, amazing, and totally wonderful. I'll be following this blog intentsly!!
God bless you a million, (say hi to Nancy)
P.S. Hey, I can see our place from that plane photo! Did you wave?
P.P.S. Your birthday bomb is in the mail. cheers!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments, and the birthday wishes! Apparently United Arab Emirates has free wireless internet at the airport, so I'm catching up with the blog while the rest of the family is exercising. :P I got Mars Bars instead of cake today, so no candles. But hey, who else gets to have a 29 hour birthday?

A strange thing happened at Sydney. We arrived late for our flight, so they were paging us. But the first thing they said was "Calling the Vonn Trapp Webb family...." Don't know how they worked that out!

Anyway, thanks for keeping in contact. I've passed the message on to Mum & Dad and the rest of the family. hope to see you all when we get back to Australia!
God Bless,
David and the Webbs on Tour