Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pictures from the Vatican

Outside St. Peter's Basillica

Inside, in front of the Main Altar

Owen didn't go hungry!

Roman traffic - this is a 3 lane street 


Brian said...

great pics and stories. The language barrier is always fun.

Elyse said...

Jacob got Liam's postcard on Wednesday, and I got a postcard from Ireland, I got a postcard from Ireland on Thursday. Thanks a million Nancy!!! You're my new best friend!! (You always were but.) I've put it up on my wall of where I've been. (Beside one of Malaysia, Virginia, and Czech.)
Language difficulties? Gee, and I always thought you gyus could talk the leg off an iron pot! Ah well, you'll get over that initial shyness eventually....

Anonymous said...

Love the pic of Owen ;-)
Sunny Coast Webbs